Kelsey Wood is your Inspiring Albertan!
CTV Calgary Published Wednesday, November 26, 2014 A valued team member at Goodwill Industries is showing others that work is something to smile about and is our...
Join us on Saturday, March 19th at our Grande Prairie store in the Gateway Power Centre for our official grand opening. The first 100 people receive a Goodwill recyclable shopping bag. Get balloons and stuffed animals for the kids. At 11:15 join MLA Wayne Drysdale and City Councillor Dan Wong at the official ribbon cutting.
Join us for all day specials and mystery item discounts, as well as the chance to win a $100 Goodwill shopping spress. Grande Prairie's Rock 97.7 will be on site all day and we are proud to have them as a special sponsor of this event. The store will be open from 9 am to 6 pm.