Give the Good Contest
Goodwill wants to spread the GOOD! Nominate someone in your life who deserves a little extra good this holiday season.
Tonight Goodwill celebrates the achievements of its participants, employers and staff in the Community Employment Programs. Held every year, this event showcases our stars and the people who make our programs successful in the community.  This special celebration is held during Goodwill Week May 1 - 7, which celebrates the achievements of Goodwill in providing services to those with disabilities and barriers to employment in our communities.
Thanks to all the employers, supporters, participants and staff who made use successful in 2010.
This year You're the Star at the 15th Annual Awards Night Celebration. The event will be held at the MacEwan University, Haar Theatre in Edmonton and our special MC is Gary James from Joe 92.5 FM in Edmonton.
Special guests include Mary LeMessurier, Honouray Board Chair, Trina Innes, Board Chair, several board members, and various members of the business community.