Santa's Anonymous and Goodwill
With a history spanning more than six decades, 630 CHED Santas Anonymous is an Edmonton tradition. It brings together generations of volunteers, donors, and recipients, united...
We are interested in getting to know you - our donors and customers - so we can serve you better.
Your feedback will greatly help in improving Goodwill's retail stores and donation centres and we truly your time and appreciate your feedback!
Each survey should take about 8 minutes for you to complete. Once you've completed the survey, you can choose to enter a draw for a chance to win a $200 gift card to any Goodwill store throughout Alberta!
Your responses will be kept strictly confidential, reported in the aggregate and used only for legitimate research purposes. You will never be solicited, and your personal information will not be released to any companies or organizations.
For details about the contest rules, please click here.